News: Zum Mar10 Day, Google Maps mit MarioKart Navigation - Video spiele

News: Zum Mar10 Day, Google Maps mit MarioKart Navigation

n case you missed the memo, tomorrow (March 10) is Mario Day - a day to celebrate the world's favorite animated plumber. And to mark the occasion, Google has partnered with Mario's maker Nintendo to bring the character to Google Maps for an entire week.

But why is March 10 Mario Day, we hear you ask" It's perfectly simple: someone way back in the dusty ruins of time realized that "Mar 10" looks a little bit like "Mario" on paper, and thus that kinda made it Mario's unofficial birthday.

When you update the Google Maps app on Android and iOS from today, you'll be able to switch the usual blue navigation arrow that marks your car's position in navigation mode into Mario from his Super Mario Kart guise.
To action this, you need to tap the little yellow question mark button - a familiar mystery box icon to anyone who's played Mario-related games through the years - at the bottom of the Google Maps app.

Then you'll see a funky "Mario Time" message, and you're good to go.



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