News: Yacht Club sagt, Switch ist fuer sie eine richtig gute Platform, auf die man sich hauptsaechlich konzentrieren moechte - Video spiele

News: Yacht Club sagt, Switch ist fuer sie eine richtig gute Platform, auf die man sich hauptsaechlich konzentrieren moechte

Yacht Club burst into the gaming scene with Shovel Knight, and they had a major hit right out of the gate. That was back in the days of Wii U and 3DS, but the success continued over to Switch as well. Shovel Knight found old fans and newcomers alike with the Switch release, and Yacht Club has full intentions of sticking with Switch gamers going forward. Here's what Yacht Club COO James Chan had to say in a GamesIndustry interview about Shovel Knight's Switch success, and Switch in general.

"It was so early that we benefited from people having nothing else to buy," Chan adds, noting that Shovel Knight was among the first wave of third-party titles on both Wii U and Switch. "We were lucky then, but we do still see that the Switch is a really good platform for us. It's where gamers that speak our language are. It's definitely going to be our main focus."


Fitness Boxing ? Veröffentlichungstrailer (Nintendo Switch)
