News: THQ Nordic arbeitet an mehreren Switch Titeln - Video spiele

News: THQ Nordic arbeitet an mehreren Switch Titeln

To begin, can you introduce yourself and discuss your role at THQ Nordic"

RP: My name is Reinhard Pollice and I am the Business und Product Development Director at THQ Nordic. This means I take ultimate care about all the products we have under development somehow and also deal with potential new developments that we are looking after.

THQ Nordic has really started to make a name for itself in recent years, but some gamers might be unfamiliar with its origins. Can you speak abit about how the company originally came to be"

RP: So, we originally started as Nordic Games Publishing in 2008 focusing on casual value products for the Wii and PS2 markets. In 2011 the owners of Nordic Games Publishing felt the need to extend their portfolio and this was when we started operations as Nordic Games in Vienna by acquiring the IP and catalogue rights of JoWooD and DreamCatcher. Our goal was to steadily grow the company, business and projects we do. In 2013 our big major acquisition that put us on the road for many was acquiring most of THQ's IPs.
On the topic of history, Nordic Games changed to THQ Nordic during the summer. When was the name change first brought up and why"

RP: That name change was a topic since we acquired the THQ name as we knew the name is very popular. It just didn't feel the right time back then and so we carried on as Nordic Games. At some point we felt we really reached the next level and thought it's the perfect time to incorpo...

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