News: Interview mit Hideki Kamiya und Atsushi Inaba ueber Bayonneta 3 - Video spiele

News: Interview mit Hideki Kamiya und Atsushi Inaba ueber Bayonneta 3

The following is a snippet from a SourceGaming interview with Platinum Games' Hideki Kamiya and Atsushi Inaba...

SG: Is it okay to ask more about Bayonetta 3 or is everything sealed as secret"

Inaba: There isn't something particular, we can talk about. But there are lots of messages included in that teaser trailer from Kamiya. The fact that it affected you so much and you are concerned about Bayonetta, that makes us very happy!
SG: Okay, well then only one question about Bayonetta 3. How far is the development of Bayonetta 3"

Inaba: It's progressing steadily. It's difficult to say, but it is continuing. This time around, the development process is slightly different.



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