News: Hideki Kamiya von Platinumgames betet fuer einen The Wonderful 101 Switch-Port - Video spiele

News: Hideki Kamiya von Platinumgames betet fuer einen The Wonderful 101 Switch-Port

A lot of us want The Wonderful 101 ported to the Switch. Those who played the Wii U version would love to see the game get a second chance on Switch. Those who missed out on the Wii U version are eager to try it out. Platinum Games' themselves have stated that they're trying to make it happen on multiple occasions. Now today, Platinum's Hideki Kamiya is turning to prayer to make it happen. When a fan asked for Kamiya to bring The Wonderful 101 to Switch, Kamiya replied by saying he's praying for it to happen. I don't who he's praying to, but I sure hope they have the power to make this happen!


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