News: Erhalte ein physisches Steelbook, wenn du Pokemon Schwert und Schild vor dem Release aus dem eShop laedst - Video spiele

News: Erhalte ein physisches Steelbook, wenn du Pokemon Schwert und Schild vor dem Release aus dem eShop laedst

Well, this is certainly a strange promotion. Nintendo of Europe is offering free SteelBooks for those that pre-order Pokemon Sword or Pokemon Shield from the European eShop. SteelBooks' main function is being a cartridge carrying case, so it's interesting that it is being offered for the digital version of the games. A Zacian SteelBook will be received for Pokemon Sword, and a Zamazenta SteelBook for Pokemon Shield.
Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield is now available for preload in Europe, and launches for Nintendo Switch on November 15th, 2019!



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