News: Doom Eternal Direktor sagt, dass sie mit Nintendo ueber Doom Slayer in Smash Bros. gesprochen - Video spiele

News: Doom Eternal Direktor sagt, dass sie mit Nintendo ueber Doom Slayer in Smash Bros. gesprochen

Doom Slayer (commonly referred to as "Doomguy") has always been a highly speculated character for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Due to the legacy of the DOOM franchise, and how recognizable the character is across the gaming community, the demon destroyer would be an excellent addition to Smash. Recently, Marty Stratton, director of Doom Eternal, was interviewed by Metro, where he was asked about the rumors of Doom Slayer being added to the game. According to his response, discussions have been had, but "it's never gone anywhere serious." Check out the full interview snippet below!

What about the rumours of Doom Slayer being in Smash Bros." [This was a couple of days before the Byleth announcement] Do you think it could ever happen"

MS: I don't know. We've asked them. You asked them"

MS: Yeah.
Well, that's how Solid Snake got in it. Would they discount it just because of the gore and violence though"

MS: I dunno. You would honestly have to ask them. We've never been approached and said, 'Hey can Doomguy be in Smash Bros."' But we're open-minded if they wanna ask. But we hear it all the time [from fans]. Who would say no" [laughs]

But you did ask them"

MS: We've had... I don't even know who talked to who, but we've bantered with them. We have a great relationship with them through bringing Doom 2016 to Switch and that kind of stuff. So we have great people over there b...

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