News: Capcom sagte: Mehr RAM in die Switch! - Nintendo hat hingehoert - Video spiele

News: Capcom sagte: Mehr RAM in die Switch! - Nintendo hat hingehoert

Vor dem Switch Launch befragte Nintendo diverse Entwickler ueber Verbesserungen der Konsole und scheinbar haben sie auch hier und da zugehoert. Somit kann Capcom ihr RE Engine auf die Switch bringen.

Nintendo and Capcom discussed Switch's performance and specs
it was important for Nintendo as a platform holder to gather opinions from various developers
Capcom said the main memory space (RAM) wasn't sufficient
this was due to Capcom's RE Engine
in the end, the memory space of Switch is exactly same as Capcom requested
this means Nintendo increased the original plan considerably, based on what Capcom and other devs said Capcom is looking into porting RE Engine to Switch by attempting to optimize it to operate in a low power state
it is necessary to make the engine capable of corresponding to two different performance modes: docked and portable
it is not an easy task, but they would like to put in the effort to achieve it



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