News: Blizzard sagt, mehr als nur sichtbare Anpassungen wahren notwendig, um Overwatch: Legendary Edition fuer die Switch anzupassen - Video spiele

News: Blizzard sagt, mehr als nur sichtbare Anpassungen wahren notwendig, um Overwatch: Legendary Edition fuer die Switch anzupassen

When you talk about a port of any game to Switch, most people think of the work that has to be done on graphics. Everything else is just smooth sailing, right" That's not the case according to producer Wes Yanagi. He shared some insight in an interview with USGamer concerning the other areas that had to receive major attention before the port could come to

"A lot of people kind of focus on the visuals when they think about optimization, but it was really all our game systems. We have a real-time physics system in the game, and a really intricate audio system that prioritizes sounds around you based on whether it's an enemy shot or a friendly shot, things like that. All of those things needed to be looked at and optimized."


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