?Mossberg: The Disappearing Computer? - Video spiele

?Mossberg: The Disappearing Computer?

This is my last weekly column for The Verge and Recode ? the last weekly column I plan to write anywhere. I?ve been doing these almost every week since 1991, starting at the Wall Street Journal, and during that time, I?ve been fortunate enough to get to know the makers of the tech revolution, and to ruminate ? and sometimes to fulminate ? about their creations. recode

Meine ganz persönliche Hoffnung ist: Mossberg findet im Ruhestand die Zeit noch weitere Steve-Jobs-Anekdoten aufzuschreiben. Das wäre insbesondere wichtig, weil Walter Isaacson die Biografie so komplett verstolperte.


South Park: Die rektakuläre Zerreissprobe - Gameplay Trailer [PS4, deutsch]
