Greyhound - Video spiele


Hanks doesn?t just star in Greyhound, he also produced it and wrote the screenplay, adapting it from C S Forester?s novel The Good Shepherd. ?My ego has run rampant, Hadley, and it?s all over the picture!? he hoots. Hanks has written films before ? the 1996 paean to 60s bands, That Thing You Do!, and 2011?s Larry Crowne. But Greyhound has been an especial labour of love for him, one he sweated over for almost a decade, and it is one of those sweeping war movies that really should be seen on the big screen. So the change in plans has been, he says, ?an absolute heartbreak?. He dutifully lists some positives about the change ? it?s cheaper and it means everyone can watch it on the same day ? but admits, ?I don?t mean to make angry my Apple overlords, but there is a difference in picture and sound quality that goes along with switching from the cinema to TV.? Hadley Freeman | The Guardian
Was kostet eine Kinokarte" 10 Euro" 15 Euro" Popcorn und Familie nicht einberechnet, entspricht das zwei oder drei Monatsmieten von Apple TV+.
Die Streaming-Rechte kosteten Apple für 15 Jahre rund 70 Millionen US-Dollar. Die Hoffnung ist, dass Kunden_innen darüber hinaus beim Abo bleiben. Das ist keine besonders waghalsige Wette: Netflix wuchs durch (hochkarätige) Eigenproduktionen exakt so bereits in der Vergangenheit. ?Greyhound? ist zwar keine Apple-eigene Produktion, aber exklusiv an Apple TV+ gebunden.
Und das Argument, dass die Bild- und Soundqualität im Kino gen...

? Mega Man 11 | Gameplay Livestream
