Über AssistiveTouch lassen sich Bildschirmberührungen für Screencasts visualisieren - Video spiele

Über AssistiveTouch lassen sich Bildschirmberührungen für Screencasts visualisieren

Question: Since iOS 11 added screen recording, I often use this feature to show colleagues how to use apps and settings. Is there an app that will record a ?touch effect? to show where I?ve tapped the screen"
John: I don?t know of an app to help with this, but if you turn on Assistive Touch in the iOS Accessibility settings and record a custom tap gesture, that will show your taps during a screen recording. The process is a little cumbersome, but go to Settings ? General ? Accessibility and turn on Assistive Touch. At the bottom of the screen is an option to ?Create New Gesture.? Tap that, tap the screen once to record your single-tap gesture, and tap save. Name your gesture and save again. Now you can use the semi-transparent Assistive Touch icon at the bottom of the screen to access your custom gesture, which is available under the star icon. You have to enable your custom gesture each time you use a new app, but once you do so, any screen recording you make will also capture the little Assistive Touch disk as you tap on different parts of the screen. Club MacStories Issue 120 | Danke, Matthias!

Für professionell hübsch produzierte Screencasts ist dieser ?Trick? nicht zu verwenden, weil sich das AssistiveTouch-Symbol nicht komplett ausblenden lässt (die Sichtbarkeit kann maximal auf 15% reduziert werden).
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