?Another January, another misleading iPhone supply cuts story from Nikkei? - Video spiele

?Another January, another misleading iPhone supply cuts story from Nikkei?

Everyone in the industry should know that „channel checks“ of Apple suppliers offer largely worthless data. But every January, Japan’s Nikkei newspaper unloads a report suggesting that Apple is scrambling to slash production of its newest iPhone because of disappointing sales. Every year that report has been false, and every year the tech media falls for it.
Daniel Eran Dilger

Bereits 2017 schrieb Nikkei über iPhone-7-Verkäufe, die ?more sluggishly than expected? verliefen. Bereits 2016 berichtete Nikkei über das ?piled up at retailers? iPhone 6s und 6s Plus. Bereits im Januar 2013 berichtete Nikkei über ?weak demand? für das iPhone 5. Aber ich bin mir sicher: Die diesjährige ?slower-than-expected? Voraussage für das iPhone X und dessen Schlussfolgerungen treffen den Nagel auf den Kopf!


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