News: Virtuos kuemmert sich um die Switch-Ports von Final Fantassy X/X-2 HD Remaster und Final Fantasy XII - Video spiele

News: Virtuos kuemmert sich um die Switch-Ports von Final Fantassy X/X-2 HD Remaster und Final Fantasy XII

While Virtuos might not be the 'household name' that Panic Button is with Switch fans, they've certainly worked on a number of high-profile Switch ports themselves. Now we know they're the team handling two of the Final Fantasy ports making their way to Switch.

Virtuos is very proud that Square-Enix last month announced some exciting news for the legendary Final Fantasy® franchise. In 2019, in addition to the Xbox One version, the saga series' most iconic entries will debut on Nintendo Switch for the first time. Final Fantasy® X and /X-2 HD Remaster, and Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age are on the list. Over the years Virtuos has engaged in multiple remaster versions of Final Fantasy® X/X-2 HD Remaster and Final Fantasy® XII The Zodiac Age on PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 and PS Vita. Virtuos is currently working on co-development of the Nintendo Switch and Xbox One version for both of these titles.



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