News: Sakurai ueber die Ankuendigung von zusaetzlichen Kaempfern, lange Entwicklungsarbeit und mehr - Video spiele

News: Sakurai ueber die Ankuendigung von zusaetzlichen Kaempfern, lange Entwicklungsarbeit und mehr

Masahiro Sakurai's newest column has been released! This time, focusing on the subject of additional DLC fighters being added to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Check out the translated summary from PushDustIn and Nokoloc below!

Like the Fighters Pass, Nintendo will be choosing the characters for additional DLC. Sakurai will make the final decision on if the character would work.
Sakurai works on each character from it's concept to release, while the development team can work on fighter after fighter.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is the only game Sakurai is actively working on, and all efforts are going into it.
Sakurai will not be taking a long break.
Managing the development of DLC is easier then the main release, but there is still a lot to make sure of. Development of Smash Ultimate began immediately after Smash Wii U/3DS.
Sakurai has been actively working on the Smash series for 7~8 years.
Sakurai still enjoys his job, and feels honored to get to work with many different game franchises. His knowledge of a large variety of games makes him perfect for the job.
When discussing a specific character for Smash, gameplay is an important consideration.
Producing characters and the new fighter announcement videos quickly isn't a bad thing.
The magnitude of a game that is Smash Ultimate is unprecedented. With the game franchise collaborations including spirits, the many songs across many different series, and every fighter returning, Smash Ultimate is truly ultimate.

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