News: RUMOR: Laura Dale hat Details zum Nintendo Switch Reveal Event gehoert - Video spiele

News: RUMOR: Laura Dale hat Details zum Nintendo Switch Reveal Event gehoert

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There are definitely surprises left for the Jan 12th event. There's a lot of third party stuff not touched on, some hardware details, UI system level info and other info not yet spoiled.
There's a pretty beefy presentation planned and, like some of Nintendo's better directs, it's going to be very info heavy.
Yep, stuff you're not expecting. At least one unexpected new IP.
[Concerning Zelda] I really hope it's launch, and the marketing seems to regularly suggest it'll be launch, but I'm still hearing it's going to miss launch. If I were just making educated guesses on public info I'd have said launch, but I keep on hearing it'll miss launch. As a Zelda fan I am as disappointed by that as anyone. [Concerning battery power and processing power] I initially heard 3 hours max battery, no clue if that's full clock or "portable" clock speed. I've heard longer estimates since which would lead me to suspect 3 hours is if you play a game fully clocked but not connected to power, which is doable at the very least with dev kits.
I suspect we will see similar levels of graphical sacrifices as going from ultra to high to medium on PC. A little less of everything, but the same core experience.
I have heard about two third party exclusives, Rabbids RPG being one. I suspect 3 at least but that's no guarantee they are good exclusives :P
Initial VC library is 100% goi...

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