News: Reggie: Nintendo Switch Online wird euch mit Legacy Content versorgen - Video spiele

News: Reggie: Nintendo Switch Online wird euch mit Legacy Content versorgen

You will get the ability to cloud save your content. And so for those consumers that are concerned about saves, you know, we've now provided a method to address that.

Secondly, you're going to get access to some legacy content. And we've said that we're going to start with 20 games that are going to be available. We've outlined the first 10. And so that's the other benefit that you're going to get as part of Nintendo Switch Online.

What I would say is that we've got a number of months until the service launches. We'll continue to provide detail as we go. Right now the message is that it's launching in September. Fundamentally there are three elements to the service: connected play, the cloud saves, and the legacy content. We're going to continue providing more details as we get.


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