News: Nintendos neuer President moechte Switch in neue Laender bringen, plant fuer die Zukunft und moechte die Projektgenehmigungsregeln aendern - Video spiele

News: Nintendos neuer President moechte Switch in neue Laender bringen, plant fuer die Zukunft und moechte die Projektgenehmigungsregeln aendern

The following comes from Nintendo's next president, Shuntaro Furukawa...

Switch is on sale in 50 countries now
the goal is to start selling it in the Middle East And South East Asia
Furukawa was chosen as new president because he knows how to get the most out of development teams
Furukawa spent the last 2 years mapping out Nintendo's future
Furukawa wants to change Nintendo internally this includes a new committee consisting of five directors who will decide on product ideas together
Furukawa will be included on the committee, and it seems he thinks there were too many people involved in
the decision-making process before



Left Alive - Ankündigungs Trailer [PS4]
