News: Nintendo war laut Metacritic im Jahre 2017 der zweitbeste Publisher - Video spiele

News: Nintendo war laut Metacritic im Jahre 2017 der zweitbeste Publisher

"Nintendo once again released more distinct titles than any other publisher, while somehow managing to boost its average Metascore (and overall ranking) above the already admirable figures for the year before. The gaming giant was also the only publisher to achieve a 90+ score for three different titles in 2017. That group includes new Mario Kart and Super Mario installments as well as our 2017 Game of the Year, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. All three of those games were released for Nintendo's new Switch console-a massive hit that managed to out-sell its predecessor, the Wii U, in less than a year. In fact, Nintendo's Metascore average for its Switch releases was 80.0, compared to an average of 75.5 for its 3DS games."
Platz 1 ging an Bethesda.



Das erwartet euch in Project Cars 2
