News: Hacker teilen in Super Mario Odyssey pornografische Profilbilder in Ballon World Feature - Video spiele

News: Hacker teilen in Super Mario Odyssey pornografische Profilbilder in Ballon World Feature

In quite an unfortuate move, hackers have found a way to change up their Nintendo Switch avatars. As a result, the Luigi's Balloon World feature in Super Mario Odyssey has been flooded by ponographic imagery. Parents playing the game have taken note of the issue, and are sharing their frustration on Reddit. One post reads...

''It seems hackers have found a way to insert indecent content into our children's games.
It seems to be an issue with users' profile pictures. The picture was changed several times over the course of my time patrolling, each picture being pornographic content. There are multiple of these balloons all being made by the same user. This is obviously intentional, and made to upset children.''

It will be hard to combat, though it would be wise to do so on Nintendo's part. There aren't any reporting functions in Super Mario Odyssey, making it harder to send the word to the Big N.



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