News: Geruecht - Netflixs Castlevania Produzent arbeitet an einer the Legend of Zelda Serie - Video spiele

News: Geruecht - Netflixs Castlevania Produzent arbeitet an einer the Legend of Zelda Serie

Oh boy, now this is a juicy rumor! Netflix's Castlevania producer Adi Shankar is teasing a project. Shankar specifically said that he's working with an iconic Japanese gaming company to turn one of their iconic franchises into a series. He's going to officially reveal that collaboration on Nov. 16th, 2018.

While we wait for that to happen, is saying they've gotten inside information on the adaptation. Their sources state that this project is with Nintendo, and will be an adaptation of The Legend of Zelda. Nintendo was reached for comment, and said they have nothing to announce.


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