News: GERUeCHT: Laura Dale hat Details zum Nintendo Switch Reveal Event gehoert - Part II - Video spiele

News: GERUeCHT: Laura Dale hat Details zum Nintendo Switch Reveal Event gehoert - Part II

Laura Dale rueckt mit weiteren Fragen und Antworten auf:

There's a record button on the left Joy-Con.
There will be no friend codes, DeNA is helping Nintendo with the networking.
The leak from Reddit user 'Genos' is fake.
Laura was asked if there was the possibility of Red Dead Redemption 2 or Overwatch coming to the Switch. Regarding Red Dead, she stated that there's almost no way it's going to happen due to Rockstar's relationship with Nintendo. She assures that Overwatch wouldn't be there at launch, and the two stated that it would require a massively overhauled port due to the 'always-online' nature of the title.
Don't expect a delay for the Nintendo Switch.
Laura was asked about voice-chat, before she was going to answer she asked if she could say anything due to OBE1 releasing a video detailing it out soon. This basically confirmed the fact that it's going to be included, smooth move guys. The system will have Bluetooth, not sure to what extent.
The Joy-Cons will be available to be purchased separately at launch date. Docks will be purchasable after 6 months and will be 'cheap'.
There won't be a bundle that includes the Pro Controller, they will be purchaseable seperately.
The battery will last around 3 hours with everything at maximum.
The charging port is USB and will easily and quickly charge the system.
Only expect three virtual console Gamecube games at launch, they will be optimized for their ...

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