News: FTC gibt Nintendo 30 Tage um illegale Warranty-Void-if-Removed Stickers zu entfernen - Video spiele

News: FTC gibt Nintendo 30 Tage um illegale Warranty-Void-if-Removed Stickers zu entfernen

The following letter was sent to Nintendo by Lois Greisman, the FTC's associate director of marketing practices...

]"This letter places you on notice that violations of the Warranty and FTC Acts may result in legal action. FTC investigators have copied and preserved the online pages in question, and we plan to review your company's written warranty and promotional materials after 30 days. You should review the Warranty and FTC Acts and if necessary, revise your practices to comply with the Acts' requirements. By sending this letter, we do not waive the FTC's right to take law enforcement action and seek appropriate injunctive and monetary remedies against [company name] based on past or future violations."
Now Nintendo has 30 days to remove/change the language on these stickers to comply with FTC regulations. Just to be clear, Nintendo isn't being singled out here. Sony and Microsoft have received the same letters from the FTC, and must take the same action.



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