News: EAs Lăzărescu zu FIFA 18: Ich moechte Switch-Besitzer/innen nicht mit zu viel Content ueberwaeltigen! - Video spiele

News: EAs Lăzărescu zu FIFA 18: Ich moechte Switch-Besitzer/innen nicht mit zu viel Content ueberwaeltigen!

Die Kollegen von Eurogamer hatten ein Interview mit EAs Lăzărescu, der viele sehr interessante Aeusserungen machte - darum unbedingt das gesamte Interview lesen (siehe Quelllink)!

Besonders interessant aber die Gruende fuer "weniger Features in FIFA 18 fuer Switch"...

There is, also, an element of design to the caution - by which I mean a thoughtfulness, a concern for the player, beyond a jealous guarding of EA resources. With Ultimate Team, for example, Lăzărescu stressed a fear of overwhelming players with the sheer amount of stuff in the game. "if you look at the history of Ultimate Team on the likes of Sony or Microsoft - I think it's a seven year history if I recall correctly - that player base has also been accustomed to it already, and has been educated about it already, you know, so if you throw everything from the get go to a completely new player base, you might not get the desired result... even this [as it is] might be too much, it's huge."
Ganz allgemein scheint man auch der Auffassung zu sein, dass Switch-Besitzer/innen eher unterschiedlich/anders und eher Casuals sind...

Be it a design decision, a sacrifice, or a bit of both, this time it's the FUT Champions and Squad Battles modes that don't make the cut. Is that because they expect Switch players to be more casual" "I see it as being more social," is perhaps the diplomatic way of saying 'yes' - but that's not necessarily a...

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