News: Chinesische Switch Games schmecken wie all die anderen - Video spiele

News: Chinesische Switch Games schmecken wie all die anderen

Finally, we have the answer to the most important question asked about Switch game cards in China. When the Switch first launched, people were somehow quick to find out that Switch game cards had a very bitter taste to them. Turns out this was done on purpose to deter animals/small children from eating or swallowing them. Now we know the same agent has been applied to Switch game cards in China.

New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe is the first retail game released for Switch in China, and Twitter user @zhaochen0507 took it upon himself to test the game card to see how it tasted. @zhaochen0507 was unhappy to report that the game card tastes exactly the same as all the others, which means it's not exactly something you want a second taste of!


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