?Upgrade downturn: why are people holding on to their old phones"? - Video spiele

?Upgrade downturn: why are people holding on to their old phones"?

?Und, Upgrade-Jahr"? Es ist wohl die häufigste Frage, mit der ich eine Woche vor der Keynote meinen Freunden, der Familie und dem Internet auf die Nerven falle.
Die fetten Jahre, zwischen 2009 und 2014, in denen die Smartphone-Branche jährlich um 50-Prozent zulegte, sind vorbei. Drei Jahre nach dem iPhone 6, Apples letztem großen Sprung in den iPhone-Verkaufszahlen1, wächst man wie branchenüblich höchstens im einstelligen Prozentbereich.
Charles Arthur und Sarah Butler:

The reasons for buying a smartphone can be split into two camps. In the first instance, consumers are persuaded to buy new handsets through adverts that extol the handset?s camera, waterproofing, screen size, software or promised battery life. Otherwise, phones are bought for more prosaic reasons: the old one kept crashing; the battery kept dying; or that crack in the screen finally became too annoying. The problem for the world?s smartphone makers is that the second set of reasons has become far more compelling than the first. People are waiting longer before upgrading ? and phone makers are getting anxious.
Even the much-anticipated launch of Apple?s next iPhone is not expected to set the mobile world alight, though it may encourage many Apple users to upgrade at higher prices than ever before.
The Guardian

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