?The iPad Pro: when software delays meet ?real work? reviewers? - Video spiele

?The iPad Pro: when software delays meet ?real work? reviewers?

Charles Arthur malt eine Zeitachse, die zeigt wie die Entwicklung von Hardware und Software beim neuen iPad Pro (vermutlich) auseinanderlief.

In other words, the reason why the new iPad Pros aren?t ?replacing your laptop? just yet is that iOS 11 fell short of what was planned. Rather than ignore that, Apple chose to sacrifice some peoples? short-term satisfaction with the iPad Pro release in favour of pleasing the much larger population that would be using iOS 12. So iOS 12 is faster on old hardware than iOS 11, and it?s more stable. Both are boons for all iOS 12 users.
But this lack of key improvements to iOS 12 in turn meant that the new iPad Pros ? introduced in October as ?an uncompromising vision of computing for the modern world? ? received what we could call a crouching ovation from reviewers. […] Probably there are some people down there in the iPad team dreaming about What Might Have Been. But Apple?s in this for the long term. A delay of nine or 12 months isn?t relevant here. What?s the concern" PCs will make a comeback" Windows detachables or ChromeOS detachables will take over the world" Nope.
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