Steven Soderbergh über ?High Flying Bird? #ShotOniPhone - Video spiele

Steven Soderbergh über ?High Flying Bird? #ShotOniPhone

Steven Soderbergh sprach mit Bill Simmons am letzten Montag über seinen neuen Film ?High Flying Bird?. Sein Film wurde (abermals) auf einem iPhone (8) gedreht und spielt ab Freitag auf Netflix.
Der Trailer ergötzt sich an extrem vielen (ansprechenden!) Weitwinkelaufnahmen, die nur mit entsprechenden Zusatzobjektiven zu realisieren sind.

Bill Simmons: Why iPhones" To inspire young filmmakers that they can use anything they want to film a movie"
Steven Soderbergh: It’s a combination of things. I don’t think people are aware of how advanced this technology really is and what you can do with it. For projects like ?High Flying Bird?: It’s the right tool because of the ease of putting the camera where you want and how quickly you can move. So…if I had a traditional camera package, even on ?High Flying Bird?, there were certain things that I wouldn’t have been able to do exactly the way I wanted. So the film would not have been any better. It might have been worse. It certainly would have taken longer.
Going forward, I think now we’re about to be in this space where you’re going to have a camera about the size of a phone, with a full sized sensor and that’ll be a game-changer. Because what’s great about the iPhones is…I can put it anywhere. Literally I can velcro it to a ceiling. I can do whatever I want and that’s very liberating. It was perfect for this.
The Ringer


The Persistence - Gameplay Trailer [PS4]
