Nach 33 Jahren: Phil Schiller tritt kürzer - Video spiele

Nach 33 Jahren: Phil Schiller tritt kürzer

Apple today announced that Phil Schiller will become an Apple Fellow, continuing a storied career that began at Apple in 1987. In this role, which reports to Apple CEO Tim Cook, Schiller will continue to lead the App Store and Apple Events. Greg (Joz) Joswiak, a longtime leader within the Product Marketing organization, will join the executive team as senior vice president of Worldwide Marketing.
Man muss erst gar keine Spekulationen beginnen: Phil Schiller tritt kürzer ? er tritt zurück. ?Retirement auf Raten? sozusagen. Wann er die verbleibende Verantwortung für den App Store und die Apple Events abgibt, ist nur noch eine Frage der Umsetzung ? die Strategie dafür steht.
?It has been a dream come true for me to work at Apple, on so many products I love, with all of these great friends ? Steve, Tim, and so many more,? said Schiller. ?I first started at Apple when I was 27, this year I turned 60 and it is time for some planned changes in my life. I?ll keep working here as long as they will have me, I bleed six colors, but I also want to make some time in the years ahead for my family, friends, and a few personal projects I care deeply about.? Einen der wenigen richtig großen Führungswechsel, so wie diesen, vollzog Apple mit dem Rauswurf von Scott Forstall im Oktober 2012. Die damalige Pressemitteilung nannte die neuen Verantwortlichkeiten von Bob Mansfield, Jony Ive, Craig Federighi und Eddy Cue. Nur Phil Schiller blieb komplett unerwähnt.
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