?Apple to start producing first 5G iPhones in mid-September? - Video spiele

?Apple to start producing first 5G iPhones in mid-September?

Neue iPhones erscheinen gewöhnlich im September. In den letzten acht Jahren gab es lediglich drei Ausreißer: das iPhone X (November 2017), iPhone XR (Oktober 2018) und das iPhone SE (März 2016 + April 2020). Und auch dieses Jahr wird es länger dauern.
Allerdings verspäten sich im Jahr 2020 anscheinend nicht nur einzelne Modelle, sondern die komplette Produktpalette rutscht tiefer in den Herbst. Die genauen Details sind nicht spannend, aber die Inspektion, Kontrolle und Abnahme der Komponenten trotz strikten Reisebeschränkungen finde ich faszinierend.

In past years, the company stationed staff at manufacturing sites to resolve any engineering issues in the runup to mass production. Coronavirus-related travel restrictions, however, have forced Apple to do much of this work remotely and to request all suppliers deliver final samples to the U.S. To maintain secrecy, one source said, all items, even tiny ones, were packed into huge boxes and shipped in special-purpose trucks to Hong Kong, where they were loaded onto a plane bound for California, so lead designers and engineers there could sign off on the samples. ?This year this kind of secretive sample delivery increases a lot, but Apple is willing to spend as much money to protect their highly-confidential unfinished products,“ the person said. [?]
The engineering verification processes for this year’s new iPhones have been particularly challenging for Apple, as the complicated procedures and major spec upgr...

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