News: Warframes empyrean Update erscheint 2020 - Video spiele

News: Warframes empyrean Update erscheint 2020
On the brink of a looming war, both new and veteran Tenno will find themselves playing closely together using high-level cooperation and communication skills. Whether it's blasting hordes of opponent Fighters and Crewships, or shooting like a bullet from the Archwing Cannon into enemy vessels to commandeer or destroy them, players will wield new upgradeable offensive firepower. To truly succeed, Railjack squads will need both offense and defense. The working Railjack vessel takes damage, requires resources to keep ammo flowing, and will need players' coordinated attention, from dousing fires and welding hull holes to combating enemy boarding parties.
Empyrean Highlights Include:

Welcome to the Railjack: Empyrean puts players at the helm of the Sigma Series Railjack battleship. This ultra powerful ship is upgradeable, customizable, and the centerpiece for all future Empyrean space missions. Get the Team Together: This phase of Empyrean is designed and optimized as a cooperative experience. Solo players will still be able to enjoy Empyrean, but the difficulty and progression is balanced around full crews. The year 2020 will bring enhanced solo capabilities and more surprises!
Free Flight: Try out the Railjack in Free Flight Mode. Learn the basics without engaging in battle and then join a squad when you're ready.
Railjack Powers: The Railjack itself provides incredibly diverse options to counter Grineer assailants. With constantly up...

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